Land Use Bylaw

Land Use Bylaw Rewrite

Click here to view a draft of our proposed updated Land Use Bylaw.

Our current Land Use Bylaw (LUB) dates back to 2017, and it has been revised many times since then: it's now due for a full rewrite. Alberta’s Municipal Government Act requires every municipality in the province to have a LUB for regulating development. Updating our LUB is a normal process that should happen every five to seven years, to help us keep up with the times and reduce red tape.

Land Use Bylaw Quick Facts

  • A draft of Lac La Biche County's proposed updated Land Use Bylaw is now available.
  • The purpose of a Land Use Bylaw (LUB) is to assign each and every property in the County to a zoning category or district (like low-density residential, light industrial or highway commercial, to name a few) and then to outline the types of development that are permitted in each district.
  • Our existing LUB dates from 2017, and it has been amended many times as properties have been rezoned and regulations have been tweaked to keep up with the times. Now it's time to consolidate all of the amendments into a refreshed bylaw, with updated regulations that meet the community's needs and make sense for future growth and quality of life.

Where we are at now: All of the feedback we have received from community members will be compiled and presented to Council for consideration. Council must give the proposed bylaw three readings before it becomes official.

How can you stay informed on the Land Use Bylaw re-write?

Lac La Biche County welcomes community members to stay in the loop on the Land Use Bylaw re-write. 

Residents are invited to contribute to the project as it proceeds. Information about the project can be found here or by sending an email to

If you have any questions, or would like additional information, please call 780-623-1747 and ask to speak to Planning & Development.

2017 Land Use Bylaw

We have broken the current Land Use Bylaw into smaller sections to make it more accessible online. Please click below on the part of the bylaw you wish to view:

Guide to Using the Land Use Bylaw

Table of Contents

Part 1 - Administration

Part 2 - Land Use Districts

Part 3 - General and Special Land Use Districts

Part 4 - Development Processes

Part 5 - Definitions

Part 6 - Overlays

Part 7 - Schedules (Click on Location to View)

Township 62Township 63Township 64Township 65Township 66
Township 67Township 68Township 69Township 70Bennett Beach
Fork LakeRich LakeElinor LakeCraigendBonesville
Beaver LakeLac La Biche WestLac La Biche EastHyloVenice
MissawawiDeer Ridge ParkMission SubdivisionMission Spruce BayUliac Beach
Eagle Haunt EstatesCampsite Rd/Bayview BeachPlamondonGolden SandsMystic Beach

Amendments to Bylaw 17-004

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 17-010

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 17-012

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 17-014

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 17-021

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 17-027

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 17-028

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Work Camps 18-006

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 18-013

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 18-014

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 18-017

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 18-019

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Land Use 18-020

Land Use Bylaw Amendment: Retail and Production of Recreational Cannabis 18-023

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 18-026

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 19-002

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 19-007

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 19-013

Land Use Bylaw Amendments (Variances) 19-015

Land Use Bylaw Amendments (Cannabis Cultivation and Production in Agricultural District) 19-023

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 19-025

Land Use Bylaw Amendments 20-001

Land Use Bylaw Amendments and Rezoning 20-006

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 20-020

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 20-022

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 20-024

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 20-027

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning from Ag District to On-Site Estate Residential District 1 20-028

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Rezoning 21-001

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 21-003

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 21-009

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Arterial Commercial District 21-011

Land Use Bylaw 21-014 and Schedule A - Encroachment on Environmental Reserve Lands

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 21-030 

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 21-033

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 22-010

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 22-011

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 22-015

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 22-036

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 22-037

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 22-038

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 22-039

Land use Bylaw Rezoning 23-016

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 23-021

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 23-029

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 23-037

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 23-040

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 24-004

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 24-003

Land Use Bylaw Text Amendments 24-006

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 24-014

Land Use Bylaw Rezoning 24-015

Land Use Bylaw Text Amendments 24-022