Spring Melt In Lac La Biche County: FAQ

Spring has arrived in Lac La Biche County. The warmer temperatures combined with the unusual amount of snow we received over the winter means that we are working to route the spring melt away from residents’ homes.

What is the County doing to improve melt water flow this season?

  • County staff have been hauling large piles of snow out of subdivisions, relocating that snow to other areas that have good drainage.
  • County staff are using steamers and backhoes to proactively clear culverts and drainage courses.
  • After the 2020 flood, the County installed larger-bore culverts in areas that were heavily impacted by water flow issues.

How can I help?

There are a few things you can do to help spring melt flow and reduce the risk of your property flooding.

  • Remove snow from around your house, especially spots where water can more easily seep through, like basement windows.
  • Keep your home’s downspouts and eavestroughs clear.
  • Test your sump pump to ensure that it works. If your home discharges its sump directly into the County’s sewer system, we ask you to consider redirecting it outside to a lower part of your property. This will reduce the impact of spring run-off on the County’s sewer system.

If you suspect that a culvert or drainage course is clogged, or believe that another condition is likely to cause flooding, call the County at 780-623-1747 or report it with the SeeClickFix app

After regular business hours, call our 24-hour utilities line at 780-623-7494.