Lac La Biche County is updating the 2010 Lac La Biche East Area Structure Plan (ASP). The update will help the ASP to reflect current development trends and aspirations for the community. Before proceeding we are asking residents to share their ideas. Your input is important to help us know we are heading in the right direction.
Take notice that the Council of Lac La Biche County is proposing to pass a bylaw pursuant to Section 692 of the Municipal Government Act.
The purpose of the public hearing is to obtain public input on proposed Bylaw No. 22-003, the Lac La Biche East Area Structure Plan:
Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Council Chambers – Second Floor, McArthur Place
10307-100 Street, Hamlet of Lac La Biche
(Electronic Participation Details are also available-see below)
A copy of the proposed bylaw can be viewed by clicking on the link below. For further information please contact Sheeja Vimalan, Planning Technician at 780-623-6755 or
Anyone who is interested in speaking on the proposed bylaw is encouraged to participate. Presentation can be in-person, virtually or by written submission. Each participant will be given up to 10 minutes to present to County Council. Please note that Council Chambers has limited seating and public health guidelines will be adhered to related to physical distancing and room capacity.
VIEW BYLAW 22-003 & LLB East ASP
To pre-register or to forward a written submission, please contact Legislative Services by noon the day prior to the public hearing, via email at, or by phone at 780-623-1747. Those wishing to present virtually must pre-register by noon the day prior to the public hearing and Legislative Services will provide registered participants with the necessary ZOOM information to access the public hearing by virtual means.
Submissions received after the public hearing cannot be considered by Council, so it is important that interested parties participate in the public hearing.
Council meetings and public hearings may be broadcast via electronic means and can be viewed on the Lac La Biche County website. To view the livestream of any Council Meeting, please click on the link below and select the meeting date located under the Council Meeting Agenda section.
Questions and Answers
What are the goals and objectives?
The provide a variety of options in zoning within the Lac La Biche East Area Structure Plan to foster lifestyle opportunities where residents and visitors can enjoy the natural environment, commercial opportunities and high-quality recreation amenities.
What land does the Lac La Biche East ASP include?
The Lac La Biche East ASP is located on the east side of the Hamlet of Lac La Biche, between Beaverhill Road and Highway 881. The map below illustrates the configuration of the current area structure plan.
Location Map - Lac La Biche East Area Structure Plan
What is being proposed?
The map below illustrates the proposed land uses within the Lac La Biche East Area Structure Plan. The changes include the addition of various zoning options to provide for the future development of residential, commercial, recreational, and public institution land uses.
Future Land Use Concept - Lac La Biche East Area Structure Plan
Need More Info?
If you have any questions about updates proposed with the Lac La Biche East Area Structure Plan please feel free to contact the Planning and Development department.
P: 780-623-6755