<form-template> <fields> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="Please fill out the electronic request form below to make a request for an Alberta Safety Codes accredited fire inspection of your commercial property." class="paragraph"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Business Name" description="Common name of business" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1640109772378"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Contact Name" description="Name of person authorized to request an inspection" placeholder="Contact Name" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1640109826689"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Phone Number" description="Number we can reach you during business hours" placeholder="Phone Number" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1640109891390"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Email Address" description="A business email address we can use to contact you" placeholder="Email Address" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1640109938849"></field> <field type="select" label="How did you hear about accredited fire inspections of commercial properties?" description="Please select one option or enter other." placeholder="How did you hear about accredited fire inspections of commercial properties?" class="form-control select" name="select-1640110231704"> <option value="County Website/Social Media" selected="true">County Website/Social Media</option> <option value="Advertising">Advertising</option> <option value="Word of Mouth">Word of Mouth</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="This personal information is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, F25, for the purpose of requesting a Fire Safety Codes Assessment. If you have any questions regarding the collection and use of your personal information, please contact the County’s FOIP Coordinator at 780-623-1747." class="paragraph"></field> </fields> </form-template> Submit Submitting...