Local Notices


Lac La Biche County is looking for interested community clubs and schools to participate in the cleanup of community areas and roadsides as a fundraiser for their group.  

Written applications will be accepted until April 19, 2022. Applications must include the contact name, contact information of the organization, the location of the requested community complex or length of roadway to be cleaned, and proof of general liability insurance. 

Lac La Biche County will approve the location prior to collection start date, and will provide garbage bags, roadside clean-up signs, disposable gloves and safety vests upon request. 

Please forward applications to:

Transportation Services

Lac La Biche County

Box 1679

Lac La Biche, AB   T0A 2C0

Fax: 780-623-1706

Email:  transportationservices@laclabichecounty.com

To learn more about the 4H Cleanup on Provincial Highways, please contact Alberta Transportation at 780-623-5228.

For more information contact Kayla Turgeon:

780-623-6811 | transportationservices@laclabichecounty.com